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青花瓷(blue and white porcelain),又称白地青花瓷,常简称青花,是中国瓷器的主流品种之一,属釉下彩瓷。青花瓷是用含氧化钴的钴矿为原料,在陶瓷坯体上描绘纹饰,再罩上一层透明釉,经高温还原焰一次烧成。钴料烧成后呈蓝色,具有着色力强、发色鲜艳、烧成率高、呈色稳定的特点。原始青花瓷于唐宋已见端倪,成熟的青花瓷则出现在元代景德镇的湖田窑。明代青花成为瓷器的主流。清康熙时发展到了顶峰。明清时期,还创烧了青花五彩、孔雀绿釉青花、豆青釉青花、青花红彩、黄地青花、哥釉青花等衍生品种。




麒麟,是指中国传统瑞兽。古人认为,麒麟出没处,必有祥瑞。有时用来比喻才能杰出、德才兼备的人。 《礼记·礼运第九》:“麟、凤、龟、龙,谓之四灵”,可见麒麟地位起码与龙同等,并不低于龙。






























释迦佛的作用  总的来说,释迦牟尼佛是佛教教主,是佛教**们的一种信仰,是人们祈求内心平静无杂念,通过“和颜”、“言”、“心”、“眼”、“身”、“座”“、察”去积累圆满了无上的福德和智慧,成就无量功德。因而释迦牟尼佛也被称为“佛宝”,是众生的最上福田。


英文翻译:Blue and white porcelain, also known as blue and white porcelain on white floor, often referred to as blue and white for short, is one of the mainstream varieties of Chinese porcelain. It is a type of underglaze colored porcelain. Blue and white porcelain is made of cobalt ore containing cobalt oxide, painted on the ceramic body, and then covered with a layer of transparent glaze, after a high temperature reduction flame firing. The cobalt material is blue after firing, which has the characteristics of strong coloring force, bright hair color, high firing rate and stable color. The original blue and white porcelain appeared in the Tang and Song Dynasties, while the mature blue and white porcelain appeared in the Hutian kiln of Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, blue and white became the mainstream of porcelain. It reached its peak during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, also created and burned blue and white colorful, peacock green glaze blue and white, bean green glaze blue and white, blue and white red color, yellow blue and white, brother blue and white glaze and other derivative varieties.

Porcelain pillow is a kind of pillow, which is a more popular form of ancient Chinese porcelain. The pillow is painted with colorful glaze or inscribed with poems. First burned in the Sui Dynasty, popular in the Tang Dynasty after. It is said that it was used as a funerary organ at the beginning, and then as bedding and pulse diagnosis.

Blue and white kylin to rich porcelain pillow

Kylin is a traditional Chinese auspicious animal. The ancients believed that wherever the kylin appeared, there would be auspicious signs. Sometimes it is used to describe a person of outstanding ability and integrity. The Ninth book of Rites: "Lin, feng, turtle and dragon are called the four spirits." It can be seen that the unicorn status is at least equal to the dragon, and not lower than the dragon.

However, qilin is also the grandson of Yinglong. In Huainanzi · Terrain Training, "MAO Du gave birth to Yinglong, Ying Dragon gave birth to Jianma, Jianma gave birth to Qilin, Qilin gave birth to common animals, and all hairy people were born to common animals." It is also the longest caterpillar among the five worms.

Qilin is also considered to be the beast of the Middle Earth, but compared with huanglong, which is considered to be the center of the earth in many ancient books such as Huainanzi and Lingxian, only the book Yi MAO compares it with the four spirits such as Qinglong.

Hollow out double money pattern: [double money eye pattern] porcelain decoration. Popular in qing Dynasty. Common official and civilian kiln porcelain pier production. Double money intersection, money eye hollow. "The eye of money" combines "the present", double money, also known as "double spring", combines "double integrity", has the meaning of "wealth and prosperity", "the present is rich". There is also the double money pattern of painting.

The theme screen for kylin to send rich picture, kylin deep peony blossom, with the kylin down the mountain, has the meaning of sending, the overall painting is exquisite, very resistant to appreciate! Can see the prominent position in the natural light under the diffuse reflection, without any light, blue and white shade, eat into the fetus, rather than the kind of floating in the surface of the blue and white, this blue and white basin is very open, and the appearance is perfect, worthy of collection handed down.

This MaiZhen, 14.2 cm long, 12.9 cm wide, 6.7 cm high, belongs to the MaiZhen specifications, the profile design is a little bird was attracted by the peony kao, porcelain pillow on painting, peony best lines, meaning the best riches and honour, visible blue screen color shades, blue and white halo powder, picture extremely vivid and natural, no matter from any Angle to appreciate is a sensibility, Blue and white porcelain is the best performance splash-ink landscape painting of China, it is the other porcelain can't do, so most Chinese wind of blue and white porcelain, most can reflect the best carrier of Chinese landscape painting art, China this word is the meaning of the Chinese is known to all, but the meaning of this word is the earliest porcelain, because the country is referred to as Chinese porcelain, It can be seen that the influence of China's porcelain has become an art card to the outside world. At that time, the most exported porcelain is blue and white porcelain. This blue and white porcelain opens the door to see the old, the painting is exquisite, and the meaning is auspicious.

As early as the Han Dynasty, Chinese craft**en fired lead-green glazed ceramics using copper as a colorant. In the Song Dynasty, green glazes were more common on porcelain. Green glazed porcelain of the Ming and Qing dynasties has beautiful hair color, among which lang kiln green and apple green are very representative.

Both green chopstick case with carved glaze

Ceramic carving decoration refers to the use of bamboo or iron tools on the surface of dried or semi-dried ceramic body to carve out various shades and different areas of grain decoration. In the carving decoration of ceramic body surface, it includes various techniques such as picking, carving, carving, carving, hollowing, grate drawing, grate point and so on.

It can be seen that there is paste glaze over the green glaze. The green glaze is a lime glaze with copper as colorant and lead compound as cosolvent. Copper is red in reducing atmosphere and green in oxidizing atmosphere. Traditional patina glazes - green glazes and green colors are copper as a colorant. And youligong is also used copper coloring agent, different firing methods, have different performance.

The fetal bone can be seen on the back, which is still very raw stone, just like the fetal bone of the Tri-colored Glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty. The texture is not as hard and tight as that of the later period. This is because there was no porcelain stone material at that time.

This chopsticks box, 18 cm high, 11.9 cm wide, clearly visible at the bottom of the iron oxide rust stain, is fetal bone containing high iron oxide after sintering, and the bottom of the tire repair tire marks, the pieces of China is very open, scrutinize the chopsticks box, no ke is missing, damaged, quality perfect, to this very rare, is a fine green glaze chopsticks box, with very high value of collection Can be handed down, collection.

The founder of Buddhi**, Shakyamuni (Buddha), was a member of the Shakya tribe of Kapilavastu in ancient India. He existed in the middle of the first millennium BC. At this time, the prosperity of commodity trade promoted the rise of the Kshatriya class, the privileged position of Brahmins caused dissatisfaction, and the ideological circle of Samana, including Buddhi**, was active.

The life of Sakyamuni did not attract the attention of the early editors of the Tripitaka, who only tried to record the words of the master in detail; More elaborate narratives and more legendary stories were crafted later. One of the most reliable images of the Buddha is a basic outline. He grew up in a wealthy environment, married and had children, and became a monk when he was about 29. Meditation and ascetici** are not the answer; When I was about 35 years old, I got the consciousness of Buddha. For the rest of his life he traveled all over the Valley of the Ganges, preaching enlightenment to all classes. The sublation and discarding of the external daoi**, he corrected some errors of the civilization of The Times, and also maintained the class interests of kshatriya, so that he was honored as the sage of the Shakya tribe.

A bronze sitting image of Sakyamuni

The Buddha had cave, and in the hands and feet and lotus are neat, hands folded, combined with ten printing, very elegant, hands and feet wrapped slurry, look more stereo feeling, to look on the surface of the bronze color natural, patina enlarged have grain feeling, very open to me, his brow, Buddha the most see carve one's face and hands, his face countenance empress dowager cixi, this is the figure of Buddha of carve one's face, The dimples on the corners of the mouth and the muscles on the face are very natural. This Sakyamani open face can be said to be the best product in the Buddha statue. It is very rare and the hands are also very delicate.

Only good works carving is all-round and even any detail is very in place, you can see the bun is like a pinecone general, three-dimensional sense is very strong, very clear patchwork, very natural, back clothes decoration is very clear, the overall effect of cao Yi water, it is very amazing.

Dressed in a bare-shouldered buddhist garment, he is seated in the buddhist chair with his knees bent and hands clasped in a regular posture. Beautiful and vivid decoration, the bronze Buddha facial features and hands and feet, clothing lines and other places carefully carved, exquisite skills, solemn expression, do not lose soft, so that people never tired of watching.

From the inside of the oxidation of green rust, age, rust magnification can be seen particle sense, and copper Buddha integrated, for sticking bone green rust, performance open the door to see the old.

The role of Sakyamuni Buddha In general, Sakyamuni Buddha is the head of Buddhi** and a kind of faith of Buddhists, who pray for inner peace and free from miscellaneous thoughts, accumulate the supreme virtue and wisdom through "heyan", "speech", "mind", "eye", "body", "seat" and "observation", and achieve boundless merit and virtue. Thus Sakyamuni Buddha is also known as "Buddha treasure", is the highest fukuda of living beings.

This Buddha Buddha clothes fold naturally achieved the effect of "Cao Yi water", and the appearance is perfect, no knock no residual, has a high collection value.

标签: 孔雀绿翡翠原石

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