
翡翠 抖音短视频 407 0

先进入网站,网址 快手官网,不知道的自己百度。




2、右键打开检测,切换到 network 窗口,再选中第三行工具栏的 Fetch/XHR ,然后刷新一下当前页面,可以看到数据包


3、依次点击 graphql 数据包,找到需要的数据,这个列表就是我们需要的关注数据 visionProfileUserList






有四个参数,你只需要填两个 一个是Cookie Cookie填的是登录后的,另一个是User-Agent


# coding:utf-8import jsonimport osimport pprintimport reimport stringimport sysimport timeimport ctypesimport osimport platformfrom zhon.hanzi import punctuationimport requestsimport urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() # 请求网页def req_data(url, id, pcursor, ck, ua): # 请求头 headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Cookie': ck, 'Host': 'www.kuaishou.com', 'Origin': 'https://www.kuaishou.com', 'Referer': 'https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/' + id, 'User-Agent': ua } # 请求参数 data = { 'operationName': 'visionProfilePhotoList', 'query': "query visionProfilePhotoList($pcursor: String, $userId: String, $page: String, $webPageArea: " "String) {\n visionProfilePhotoList(pcursor: $pcursor, userId: $userId, page: $page, webPageArea: " "$webPageArea) {\n result\n llsid\n webPageArea\n feeds {\n type\n author {\n " " id\n name\n following\n headerUrl\n headerUrls {\n cdn\n " " url\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n tags {\n " "type\n name\n __typename\n }\n photo {\n id\n duration\n " " caption\n likeCount\n realLikeCount\n coverUrl\n coverUrls {\n " " cdn\n url\n __typename\n }\n photoUrls {\n cdn\n " " url\n __typename\n }\n photoUrl\n liked\n timestamp\n " "expTag\n animatedCoverUrl\n stereoType\n videoRatio\n " "profileUserTopPhoto\n __typename\n }\n canAddComment\n currentPcursor\n " "llsid\n status\n __typename\n }\n hostName\n pcursor\n __typename\n }\n}\n", 'variables': {'userId': id, 'pcursor': pcursor, 'page': 'profile'} } data = json.dumps(data) data_json = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=6.05).json() # pprint.pprint(data_json) return data_json # 清洗文件名def rep_char(chars): eg_punctuation = string.punctuation ch_punctuation = punctuation # print("所有标点符号:", eg_punctuation, ch_punctuation) for item1 in eg_punctuation: chars = chars.replace(item1, '') for item2 in ch_punctuation: chars = chars.replace(item2, '') chars = chars.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\xa0', '').replace('\r', '') return chars # 磁盘内存检查def get_free_space(): folder = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]) if platform.system() == 'Windows': free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(folder), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) return free_bytes.value / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 else: st = os.statvfs(folder) return st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize / 1024 / 1024 # 保存数据def save(url, page, ck, ua, selfid): except_lit = [] count = 0 idlist = get_all_ids(url, page, ck, ua, selfid) for id in idlist: count = count + 1 print(f'第{count}位关注:{id} 全部视频下载中...') num = 0 # 循环下载视频,直到 page == 'no_more' while page != 'no_more': time.sleep(1) data = req_data(url, id, page, ck, ua) # 获取翻页的参数 next_page_Pcursor = data['data']['visionProfilePhotoList']['pcursor'] page = next_page_Pcursor print(next_page_Pcursor) data_list = data['data']['visionProfilePhotoList']['feeds'] for item in data_list: num = num + 1 video_name = item['photo']['caption'] video_url = item['photo']['photoUrl'] author = item['author']['name'] author = rep_char(author) video_name = rep_char(video_name) path = './video1' if not os.path.exists(path + '/' + author + '/'): os.makedirs(path + '/' + author + '/') filepath = path + '/' + author + '/' + str(num) + '.' + video_name + '.mp4' if os.path.exists(filepath): print(f'{num}、 {video_name} 已存在!!!') # time.sleep(1) continue # 请求二进制视频数据 try: video_content = requests.get(url=video_url, timeout=(3, 7)).content except: strss = f'{author}_{num}video_name:{video_url}' except_lit.append(strss) continue with open(filepath, mode='wb') as f: f.write(video_content) print(f'{num}、 {video_name} 下载完成!!!') # 判断剩余容量是否充足 free_space = get_free_space() if free_space = 1: break # pcursor = page 这个变量的值必须为空,不用动他,它是换页的参数 page = '' print(f'第{count}位关注:{id} 全部视频下载完成!!!') with open('yc_info.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(except_lit) print('异常保存成功') print(except_lit) # 获取全部关注页面数据def req_follow_data(url, pcursor, ck, ua, selfid): # 请求头 headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Cookie': ck, 'Host': 'www.kuaishou.com', 'Origin': 'https://www.kuaishou.com', 'Referer': 'https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/' + selfid, 'User-Agent': ua } # 请求参数 data = { 'operationName': 'visionProfileUserList', 'query': 'query visionProfileUserList($pcursor: String, $ftype: Int) {\n visionProfileUserList(pcursor: ' '$pcursor, ftype: $ftype) {\n result\n fols {\n user_name\n headurl\n ' 'user_text\n isFollowing\n user_id\n __typename\n }\n hostName\n pcursor\n ' ' __typename\n }\n}\n', 'variables': {'ftype': 1, 'pcursor': pcursor} } data = json.dumps(data) follow_json = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=data).json() # pprint.pprint(follow_json) return follow_json # 获取全部关注的iddef get_all_ids(url, page, ck, ua, selfid): id_list = [] num = sign = 0 # 循环保存id,直到 Pcursor == 'no_more' while page != 'no_more': time.sleep(1) follow_data = req_follow_data(url, page, ck, ua, selfid) # 获取翻页的参数 next_pcursor = follow_data['data']['visionProfileUserList']['pcursor'] page = next_pcursor sign = sign + 1 print(f'第{sign}页:{next_pcursor}') fols_list = follow_data['data']['visionProfileUserList']['fols'] for item in fols_list: num = num + 1 user_name = item['user_name'] user_id = item['user_id'] id_list.append(user_id) print(f'{num}、 {user_name}:{user_id} ID获取成功!!!') print(id_list) print(id_list) return id_list if __name__ == '__main__': link = 'https://www.kuaishou.com/graphql' # pcursor这个变量的值开始必须为空,不用动他,它是换页的参数 # selfid 是自己账号网址的最后面那一串 例如 https://www.kuaishou.com/profile/3xkfgnn9hkacbwc selfid 就是 3xkfgnn9hkacbwc selfid = '' pcursor = '' # ck ='' 引号中间填登录后的 Cookie 值 ck ='' # ua = '' 引号中间填 User-Agent ua = '' save(link, pcursor, ck, ua, selfid)

标签: 下载快手

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